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Trademark Search Service

Trademark Search Service

It’s no secret that trademarks give a company’s name credibility. In today’s modern world, the market is highly flooded across a wide range of niches, and a trademark can help your business stand out. It safeguards a company’s identity, hence doing a trademark search is necessary before registering a trademark.

We do trademark searches for you at IPR Researcher to guarantee that your brand name does not infringe on someone else’s trademark and to identify infringers who may be exploiting your brand name to sell their product, so deceiving the market knowingly or unknowingly.


What is Trademark Search?

A trademark is a word or symbol that is generally connected with a product or the packaging of a product and helps distinguish it from other products of similar nature on the market. Companies come up with a name, sign, logo, or expression that relates to their product concepts and trademark it. Your brand’s protection begins long before it appears in the real or digital world. To assure approval and a firm foundation for protection, it begins with a rigorous trademark search by skilled research analysts.

A trademark search can tell you if there are any similar brand names/trademarks that are similar to yours, or if there is no record of any brand names/trademarks that are similar to yours. It would also assist you in determining the relative strength of your mark by identifying how many other identical trademarks are currently in use.

Benefits of Trademark search

  • Allows businesses to save time and money by avoiding any type of infringement or rejection when filing trademarks.
  • Identify all possible brand / trademark names that could impair their capacity to protect their trademark.
  • Provides a list of prohibited marks (marks that are not allowed to be registered by a private individual) so you can see if your brand name or trademark is on the list.
Why Choose

IPR Researcher

  • Access to world’s most comprehensive, accurate and up-to-date global trademark data.
  • Covering multiple jurisdictions with single search.
  • Dedicated team of 10+ proactive and highly trained Trademark analysts.
  • Customizable detailed report formats.
  • Links to relevant websites/ sources of the result found during the analysis.

Protect your Ideas, Inventions and Business with IPR RESEARCHER.