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Patent Infringement Analysis

Patent Infringement Analysis

IPR Researcher’s Patent Infringement service identifies products/processes that infringe on patent rights, allowing patent owners to enter into a licence agreement to generate revenue. You can get the most out of a patent or your entire patent portfolio by keeping track of these possibilities.

We also help to draft and review Infringement Contentions. A party claiming patent infringement must serve a Disclosure of Infringement Contentions on all other parties at the time specified in the local court regulations, and such disclosure must include a claim chart. We offer claim charts that can be utilised in court and show where each element of each asserted claim can be found within each accused Instrumentality.


What is patent infringement?

Patent infringement can be defined as the use of a patented invention without the authorization of the patentee. An individual or an organisation can be a patentee.

There are two types of patent infringement. i.e., literal infringement or Doctrine of equivalence. When all of the elements of the claim are discovered in the accused device or method, it is determined to be infringing under the literal infringement. On the other hand, if the accused device or procedure does not literally infringe the claims it is determined under doctrine of equivalent. Equivalent infringement happens when the accused device or process achieves the same outcome as the claimed invention while performing essentially the same function.

How can you avoid patent infringement?

By conducting extensive freedom to operate (FTO) searches, patent validity searches, or securing patent rights from the patentee, one can avoid infringing on an organization’s or individual’s patent.

What should you do if you’re accused of infringing on a patent?

While you should take every precaution to avoid infringing on any entity’s or individual’s patent, you can take the following steps if you find yourself in a patent infringement situation:

  1. 1. Prove that the plaintiff’s asserted patent is invalid.

2. Show evidence of non-infringement using data.

3. Stopping the sale or manufacture of the infringed product.

4. Obtain a patent licence from the owner of the patent.

Why Choose

IPR Researcher

Due to the extensive subject experience of our search and analytics experts, our comprehensive infringement analyses leave no stone untouched, resulting in targeted outcomes. We create infringement research reports after conducting a thorough investigation.

    • For management and optimization of patent portfolio as well as patent pruning.
    • To look for revenue-generating potential with new competitors.
    • We provide a list of all the infringing products/services/standards that may be based on the technology of the subject patent.
    • For competitive analysis and monitoring of competitor infringement
    • For identifying Standard Essential patents (SEP).
    • In patent transaction opportunities and pre-litigation research.
    • We create Claim Charts based on strong and documented infringement evidence.

Protect your Ideas, Inventions and Business with IPR RESEARCHER.