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Patent Claim Chart

Patent Claim Chart

Most businesses, whether they have a large patent portfolio or not, may face patent validity or infringement issues at some point. In such circumstances, corporations employ claim mapping or claim charts as a method.

Claim Chart analysis is a time-consuming method in which the exact claims that express the search target must be found. We help patent owners and their attorneys by providing a claim chart that shows the relationship between each claim limitation and the evidence of use, prior art, intent, and other factors.


What is a Claim chart?

A claim chart is a graphical or tabular representation that analyses each patent claim by breaking it down into its essential elements or restrictions. A claim chart is a simple and efficient way of evaluating and showing data relevant to a patent claim. It is used to analyse and compare patent claims with prior art. They’re useful for analysing patent validity or determining whether or not a patent is infringed.

Different types of claim charts

  • Evidence-of-Use (EoU): An Evidence-of-Use (EoU) or Infringement Chart identifies products, systems, or services that have similar product attributes to the patent claim elements and are available in market. Claim charts are the most comprehensive, trustworthy, and persuasive way to demonstrate that there is infringement in the products, processes, and services.

  • Invalidity Chart: An Invalidity Chart, also known as a Chart of References, depicts the patent’s invalidity due to anticipation or obviousness. A defendant or party accused of infringing on a patent prepares it.

  • Claim Interpretation Chart: Both plaintiffs and defendants produce a Claim Construction or Claim Interpretation Chart, which shows patent specification or technical literature citations with proper interpretations of the language of a claim.
Why Choose

IPR Researcher

  • IPR Researcher collaborates with the client and counsel to create Claim Charts that illustrate a probable case of infringement, with the goal of leaving no claim element unmapped without a proper plan in place to complete the mapping.
  • Each limitation is highlighted in the element with a different underlining or highlighting colour to make it easier for the reader to identify the relevant information found.
  • Customized Reports: We give solutions and adjustments based on the needs of the customer and the target area.
  • We have a team of Subject matter experts involved in claim charts generation.

Protect your Ideas, Inventions and Business with IPR RESEARCHER.