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Office Action Response

Office Action Response

The mere filing of a patent application does not guarantee that the patent will be awarded. Even if a patent is drafted and filed in the finest possible manner, there is a little probability that it would be granted right immediately.


What is Office Action?

Just after the patent is filed, the patent examiner searches for prior art of a patent and other errors or irregularities in the patent/filing documents, on the basis of which the Examiner gives a rejection or acceptance. It is the responsibility of the Applicant to persuade the examiner, either with arguments or with necessary amendments in the patent claims during an Office Action Response.

IPR Researcher Office Action Response are designed to overcome the objections or rejections raised by the Patent Examiner according to Patent office rules and guidelines while keeping in mind the business impact(s) of the arguments presented in the response to the office action. We’ve dealt with a variety of objections and denials, including those based on USC 102, USC 101, USC 112, and USC 103.

Why Choose

IPR Researcher

IPR Researcher provides office action response support for the patent offices all over the world to support our clients in getting their patent rights secured. As a service provider, we help our clients on the following aspect of office action drafting: 

Novelty assessment and creating grounds of acceptance.

  • Technical and legal arguments in response to examiner’s inquiries.
  • Arguments on the acceptance of the prior arts Priority date-based acceptance/rejection of the prior arts.
  • For clients who want to propose their own office action responses, we can handle the heavy lifting, such as performing a detailed technical analysis of the Examiner’s references and identifying technical differences between the cited art and the invention, saving clients time in drafting the Office Action response.
  • Our team of highly qualified techno-legal specialists has considerable expertise not only in producing superior responses, but also in supporting clients in negotiating the scope with examiners during examiner interviews, to ensure that the ultimately authorised claim set is not too limited.

Protect your Ideas, Inventions and Business with IPR RESEARCHER.